Nash worked as a solo artist beginning in 1975; founding the progressive rock band FM in 1976. Soon after releasing the band's first album, Black Noise, in 1977, he left the band; resuming his solo career in 1978 (It was not until after Nash's departure that the album was widely promoted; eventually charting and receiving a gold record award. He rejoined FM from 1983 to 1996, concurrent with his solo work.
Nash's music covers an eclectic range, varying from instrumental—mood-setting music, to rock and pop music with vocals. In addition to giving concert performances, he has composed and performed soundtrack music for silent films, presenting these works live in movie theatres to accompany screenings of the films. Another venue for his music is in performances to accompany the viewing of paintings by surrealist painter Robert Vanderhorst, an audiovisual collaboration which took place in 1978, and again in 2004.
Nash has performed with surgical bandages covering his face since 1979. "During a gig at The Edge in the late '70s to raise awareness of the threat from the Three Mile Island disaster, he walked on stage wearing bandages dipped in phosphorus paint and exclaimed: 'Look, this is what happens to you.' The bandages became his trademark." Prior to 1979, Nash performed three times on TV Ontario's Nightmusic Concert, first as a solo artist (a live broadcast which was never re-aired), then with FM (Nash and Cameron Hawkins), and again as a solo artist. In all of these appearances Nash wore his typical black tuxedo, top hat, and dark sunglasses, but not his signature bandages. He was also photographed in this attire for a profile in the Toronto Star, published April 28, 1978.
In later years, he attempted to keep his true identity the subject of some speculation, although the Star profile of 1978 had already matter-of-factly revealed his real name. Nevertheless, in a 1981 interview with the UK magazine Smash Hits, Nash was questioned about his real name, and replied with "Nashville Thebodiah Slasher". By being coy about his name, some fans came to believe that the Nash persona was an alter-ego of Ben Mink, who replaced him as FM's violinist in 1978. This is a common misconception, but he has been photographed onstage with Mink.
The "Nash the Slash" persona was born of silent film, and the name "Nash the Slash" comes from that of a killer butler encountered by Laurel and Hardy in their first film Do Detectives Think? (1927), for which he has composed a soundtrack score.
Images of Nash the Slash are featured in a variety of murals painted by artist Jungle Ling, in Toronto. These images are located in the Leslieville district, next to a TD Bank at Queen St. East and Logan Avenue, and below Queen St. E. on Cannaught Ave., as part of a neighborhood beautification project conducted by the Toronto Transit Commission.
Download the following albums via torrent from here
Bedside Companion Dreams & Nightmares Children of the Night (2000 CD Reissue) Decomposing (at all 4 speeds) And You Thought You Were Normal (2002 CD Reissue) American Bandages (2002 CD Reissue) The Million Year Picnic Blind Windows
+2 albums with his band FM
FM - Black Noise [1977][320 KBPS][Remastered] here
FM - Tonight 1987 [FLAC] here